„Multidimensional Translation, from Science to the Arts“ – naziv je upravo objavljene knjige o prevođenju u kojoj je svoj doprinos dala dr. sc. Irena Mikulaco (predsjednica HAPRYAL-a) poglavljem o književnom prijevodu I. Bunjina, prvog ruskog nobelovaca za književnost. Urednice knjige su Lina Abraitienė i Žanna Daragane, a knjiga je izašla u Cambridgeu.
Iz predgovora knjizi izdvajamo: „This volume brings together diverse perspectives on issues connected with translation. Translation is a communication tool that offers a bridge to other cultures and mentalities in this time of rapid changes and different challenges. As a cultural activity, it can be approached from different standpoints, ranging from the scientific to the artistic. This book provides studies of the phenomenon from the perspectives of literary translation, interpreting, idiom translation, and translation method as a foreign language method. All contributors to the text work as professional translators, which makes their experience invaluable for fellow practitioners.